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About Me

Hello and thank you for taking the time to go through my portfolio! My name is Rayna, but I prefer to go by Sea Dragun when it comes to my art business. I am a self taught artist as well as a naturalist and marine scientist born and raised in Weehawken, New Jersey, but I currently reside in St. Petersburg, Florida. When I'm not working I like to spend my time beach-combing for ocean treasures, snorkeling in the ocean and springs, playing mermaids, and last but not least, making art! For as long as I can remember I have been creating art, whether it’s drawing or painting, I have always been an artist. It literally runs in my blood, both of my grandmothers were painters as well as other past relatives, and I am so thankful to all of them.

While I consider myself self-taught, I also could not get to this point in my artistic career without some of the incredible art teachers I had in grade school. Art was one of my favorite subjects, right next to science, and my art teachers always pushed me to be the best I could be. However, for as long as I’ve been an artist I have also been enthralled by our oceans. I chose to pursue a degree in Marine Science, with a concentration in Marine Biology, at Eckerd College and graduated in 2021. Since then I have mostly held positions in the science and education field, but I have continued to make art throughout all this time. 

I officially started as a self-employed freelance artist in January 2022 and have been improving my skills and business tactics since. My journey as a freelance artist has granted me so many amazing opportunities like a week-long workshop dedicated to Art and Shark Science, having my art displayed in award winning galleries, and even creating a graphic design for a government organization, which you can learn more about in my experience page.

Currently, I work as an Eco-guide, kayaking through mangrove tunnels and islands with my guests and teaching about the diverse wildlife that Skell Key Preserve has to offer. My experience with this job actually inspired quite a few of my paintings like “The Cormorants” and the start of my Southwest Shell Guide Project. I love taking photos of the wildlife for painting reference and even taking my sketchbook with me for en plein air. 

When I am not kayaking or painting, I’m probably volunteering at the Marine Mammal Pathobiology assisting in marine mammal rescues, releases, and necropsies. This work has been incredibly rewarding and educational and has actually pushed me further into scientific illustration. I recently started on my own project of illustration the process of a West Indian Manatee Necropsy and hope my illustrations can be used in education and outreach for the lab. 

Sea Dragun Art is all about embracing the natural beauty of our natural world while also emphasizing the bright colors and magic of it all. I started my art business under this name to show my admiration and connection to the ocean. I hope when others look at my art they feel that same admiration and connection to their environment. My art is meant to encourage others to get outside more, but also give them a chance to experience beautiful environments that they may not have physical access to.

I am always open to new experiences, projects, and commissions so if you think you would like to work with me, please check out my commission page or feel free to contact me at

My adventures...

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